Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Cup Is Overflowing

 Yesterday I had my first big girl party. Now that I'm 50, I wanted to celebrate the women in my life who have made such a difference to me. Part of my brain says I want to make it an annual thing, but the rest of my brain is napping because it was quite a bit of prep and clean up. Thanks to D for taking photos and washing all the dishes, and to Emily for being one of the girls.
 It was billed as a garden party, starting at 4. I didn't know what it would end up being. Usually we host family, or book club or meetings. This was just for fun. There was lemonade and libations.
 Friends from knitting, book club, church, work. I wanted them to meet each other.
 My best friend from high school was visiting her parents from Ecuador, so she was a most welcome guest. They all spoiled our Carly-dog. She just turned 10. It has been 10 years since the Kelowna wild fires!
 Like flowers in my garden, these women are all beautiful! They came and went and offered to bring food. Of course J did the heavy cooking and helping. She is the sister I would choose. Friends are the family you make for yourself.
When I was wee, one of my favourite hymns was "my cups overflowing with love". It is true today.

1 comment:

annannan said...

Oh, I love this!

When my mother passed away seven years ago I became acutely aware of the importance of celebrating. I haven't been able to stick to my celebrating birthdays every year since then, but I'm making an effort. And there are as you show other things to celebrate. This is wonderful, the people you wanted to bring together and who wanted to come together.

(This is what counts, Events like the one you mentioned a few posts ago, with people not talking to each other, are probably the ones that with the years passing by and us getting wiser, we'll drop out, right?)