I finished the green goodnes of Malabrigo merino. It is a very soft "single ply" (I believe). I already started it in Li's (Life's a Stitch)reversible herringbone scarf, but it just came out like 1970's shag rug.
In San Antonio I spent too much money on a cab to get to a bookstore. The wool shop was just out of the question. S.A. is like Calgary where you have to take a super highway to get anywhere. Not good for a walker.
I ended up at a Borders where I spent several lovely hours and treated myself to Wendy Knits which I haven't been able to find. She is so charming and I knew this Fir Cone scarf would be perfect. More than perfect, I still have one skein left. You can see the scarf resting in the morning winter sunlight.
This morning when I took my daughter to her 7:15 Jazz Band practice, the sun was already coming out! Forget the groundhog- I'm encouraged by mother nature that spring is coming. Today I will try to take pictures of snow drops and blossoms.
In the continuing story of stash diet, I'm pleased with the Lamb's Pride for Knitty's Cecilia. It's time for some colour work and I can go randomly at this beautiful little girl's cardigan. It is such a blessing that my classmate finally has a baby of her own and I want to surprise her with a gift. I haven't seen her for almost 20 years, but she was a strong person who shared her family when I was so stressed out and not at my best in Nursing School. I'm the same person, but I respond so differently to everything. Can I apologize enough?
I'm so lucky to have such great friends now. I have to make sure they know they are appreciated.