Yesterday we got the new car. It's a civic sedan and I love it. It satisfies the practical need and still has room for zip and little bit of style. You can't see the beautiful dark blue because of the crappy weather. I scraped our drive way and three of our neighbors because I was worried about freezing rain. I'm big on safety and we have some old people and some who work all day.
Don't look at the decrepit RV in the background. We have the WORST neighbors. I know we should love our neighbors, but it's easier when they live in Somalia, or at least Surrey. We have had less trouble with the old renters who were variously drug dealers, car thieves and deadbeat dads. The widow sold the house to a classmate of mine from school and we have lost all our privacy. We refuse to tangle with her. No tolerance of bullies means moms too.
Enough energy trying to be passive on that one.
I had to rip out the trunk of the top down because I hate the instructions. I was in my LYS and Hanne said, oh, it looks like you just....
Of course. She solved it so well I had to frog a portion. She also let me trade my leftover balls of Crystal Palace kidsilk in turquoise for some lovely bright green. I'll make D's aunt a Kiri for her 70th. I have until September when she takes her villa in Umbria.
And I can stay on my stash diet.
The power was out lastnight for 6 hours. My son BBQ'd in 100 km winds. We had a great supper by candlelight and then everyone read by their book lights with ipods. Blessed quiet. When the wind died down, the quiet woke me.
I have lapsed from my runagogo. But I did
shovel the whole stinking drive. I'm not counting the mileage. Confident I can still make it.