Monday, November 29, 2010

Warm Your Heart

This weekend, while I was at an awesome drumming workshop and preparing and performing in Handel's Messiah, D helped me make a turkey and then he made the broth. Last night I made turkey noodle soup. You can see we're using the big outdoor fridge.
It is cold. The power has gone out a few times, but only for a minute.
We also had an Advent mass choir sing on Sunday, so Christmas is barging her way in to our schedule.

I finally got to the cards. I have a system and a list. We send out a photo collage instead of a letter, so that makes it easier, but only after I've copied it.

Jean says she doesn't read my blog, so I feel confident that I can post her fingerless mitts. These are from a Sweet Georgia BFL yarn that I didn't like the colour of. I like it better now, and I love the softness. We were in a club together and she just finished a scarf in this same yarn.
The pattern is an adaptation of an adaptation. I loved the Nutkin fingerless mitt pattern. It is great because you can plug in any sock pattern. I chose the Lacy Rib socks from Wendy's Socks From the Toe Up.
I hope to have enough yarn left over to make some baby socks from "2-at-a-time socks" by Melissa Morgan-Oakes. Then I can work on my the 2 to 6 other Christmas gifts I may or may not knit.

1 comment:

Neuroknitter said...

I am so glad I'm not the only one to use the "outdoor fridge" when the weather permits!! LOL!!

We made a left over turkey soup with hubby's broth, too!! Yours looks delish with noodles!

The mitts look great! I love SG yarns!!

Happy Tuesday!