I'm not a snow lover. I live in Chilliwack, in a Pacific Coast Rain Forest. It has to be warm enough to rain to make me happy. Sometimes it's a very cold, dark rain, but it's home and green.
D. and I went into Vancouver and enjoyed a sunny day on Granville Island and West Fourth with friends. Then the storm hit. Driving home was treacherous. No fun. D. thinks it is unnecessary to follow the sanding plowing truck even when God puts one right in front of you and conditions are bad enough to need a plow and sanding truck on the Trans Canada Highway.
We bought some special gifts, ate real french food and enjoyed time alone in the evening.
Our yard is white with drifting snow and I'm happy to be home where I can make a cup of tea and be with my kiddies. They made it through the night and even through a Nintendo fight.
They did their chores and practiced their music. I'm grateful.
There will probably be no school tomorrow and I don't intend to go on the roads. Oh no! Knitting time!