Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Good-bye Good Uncle

Uncle Bruce died just before we went on our cruise. He had been suffering from recurrent cancer that got into all the difficult parts of his life.
But he was a warm and generous man, a very successful business man, and a man who put a great value on family. I was lucky he included me, his eldest nephew's wife.
We gathered at their gracious home on the water in Vancouver Island. Yes it was a big trip, but we had been invited to countless celebrations there and always been so welcome. The house has been for sale for most of a year, but requires a special buyer. Aunt is already making houseplans to build a suite on her son's new house. That way she can still go down to their place in Phoenix, or travel with friends. They did a lot of travelling.
There were five grandkids, some from London, dear old friends from their days in highschool and early business (they sure know how to keep friends) and some of us cousins. I was "disappointed" that the middle brother didn't bother to arrange to come when we were given a month's notice, or that the youngest brother allowed his wife to spend too much time on her toilette so they came halfway through the service. But it is their mother's job to reinforce the importance of paying respect.
We all had so much respect for Uncle Bruce and will miss his good advice.
There was knitting. I wore my Pacific Northwest shawl (Fibretrends) that I partly knit at Uncle Bruce's beach house. Sadly, no one mentioned it. The ferry ride and most of the highway travel were good enough for the Alphabet baby blanket. On the ferry I approached a woman who was knitting fingerless gloves. She said she was a beginner, but they were great. Tina is also studying to be a nurse. She hadn't heard of knitty or the Yarn Harlot, so I was able to spread the gospel.
D says my computer should be in this week. I hope so. I've just used up all his ink in his printer. Tuesday is Pharmacology.
My cough continues to improve, though not disappear. I was terribly blunted at the memorial and not great to talk to. I practiced my listening skills. I feel so far behind on my studies, but the instructor says I'm a bit ahead of what's necessary. I already accepted that I was not going to finish in a glory of the shortest time. It's a bit like working toward a knitting deadline. Will I make it in time for the baby? Will I have enough wool? Will I be able to figure out the border when I get to it.
If I go step-by-step, I will have the skills and the energy required to finish. But then what? I'm getting to the point where I should be spending some energy investigating my career path, but I'm just coughing and trying to get to the next chapter.
I look at my weedy rosebeds, the dinner party that needs to be prepared for Friday and the extra "clutter" in my home and I turn back to my books. This is not forever. It is an investment of time and energy. And it's my time to do it.

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