Thursday, March 11, 2010

White Flowers

I love white flowers. These blossoms are tinged pink, but they still count for me.
My wedding flowers were all white. I had an all white Christmas tree for years. There is something fragile and complex in their simplicity.

The sunshine is hiding today. It was warm and gorgeous while I worked. But the dark sky and driving rain can't cut the brightness of the white blossoms.

My Snow Lady azalea has decided to bloom well this year, and to bloom when I was home to enjoy her. It has been quite a long time.
I am knitting in colour. Noro sock yarn shawl; teal Lady Eleanor blanket; blue Fit Well socks. But I don't seem to be making much progress. I didn't knit at work because I used my break to study. I will focus on the socks because it would feel so satisfying to finish them.
I am studying for an Emergency Nurse Pediatric Course. If I do well, I may be able to return to nursing children. I am struggling with my work and torn about all the complexities of working with so many personalities while still trying to focus on my very sick patients. It is a lot more sensory input than I have had for many years when my home was my main base. I don't want to work more hours.
Tonight I practice a guitar/vocal duet I will sing with another nurse in tribute to her sister who died last year of brain cancer. It is not much, but it will help my friend with her grief. I almost didn't fit it in. I want to be able to give where I can without always saying, "I'm working."
I will study and pick up the sock because, like the yarn I'm using, I "Dream in Colour".

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