Thursday, November 04, 2010

Time Change

I am working between night shifts and find the whole jet lag thing a bit inspiring. If I look back at my week, I have finished and blocked my Estelle cardigan, knit two pairs of Fetching mitts, set up and knit the first graph of the Bitteroot shawl and learned how to thrum.
I actually spent most of my time in the garden, cleaning up and moving plants. The light changes every year, but the requirements of the plants don't. We try to keep the hazelnut trimmed, but the walnut and the evergreens just keep getting bigger. I took out my raised bed and I will try to put Emily's dahlia bed to rest this weekend. In the back yard, the big arthritic dog can gambol about. She doesn't seem to move much on her own.
There was gardening in pots as well, with a new front door greeting and back deck planting of bulbs under pansies. Anticipation. The Amaryllis is planted and waiting for its own inspiration.
With the time change on Saturday night (blessed sleep) I will start my winter routine of cod liver oil supplements and shea butter body cream. Soon I will trade my regular tea for Constant Comment with it's cinnamon spice.
I won't be working Christmas this year (and New Years, and my birthday) It so sucked last year.
I will appreciate the moments I have, hug my dog and cook for my family.
This Christmas I'm going to take the time to be a fearless knitter, a server of tea and cookies and open my home to friends and family.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely plan.
Your planting reminds me that I need to find time to get some pansies and bulbs in.

Bigelow Tea said...

We hope you have a wonderful winter ... and that Constant Comment Tea helps make it even better! Enjoy!
-Deb for Bigelow Tea

Life's a Stitch said...

C is working Christmas Day and Boxing Day and since the office is closed the next Monday and Tuesday, he has to cover it. Four days in lieu would be appropriate. Maybe.