Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dashing Along

 I finished the Swallowtail shawl in cotton. The nupps were the worst part, but easily handled with the crochet method I found on knitty.com. I have to get these pictures on my blog is I want to import them to the Knit Girllls Stash Dash forum. The goal is to knit 5 km this summer. Because I got to count the entrelac blanket, I have a chance of making it.
 The shawl was a bit crunchy after blocking, but it softened up with wear and is actually pretty warm. With 500 metres of cotton, you can get a lot of weight, but I find it comfortable. I like the big size, 61 x 33 inches.
 I'm exploring my old skill of crochet. I made a proposal to teach crochet at a local shop, but when the email didn't go through, I just hung on to it. Now I printed it out, but I forget where it is. I don't need to visit a wool shop this week. I 'm trying to use my stash this summer.
This hat, from the simple pattern, Remembering Gage, was quick and easy. The yarn was donated by someone at church and the hat will join the others in the spectrum for Help Mexico Project.
With alternating rows of different stitches, it has a pleasing texture. It would look better with stripes, but I am also following Needles In the Hay's project of knitting a different colour in the spectrum each month.
Because of the hockey game last night, I had a meeting postponed till tonight. That meant I was only double booked. I enjoyed visiting with my choir as a wrap up, and then toodled over to the high school to help make decorations for the grad dance. They were already done. I was so embarrassed.
My Dad used to call me "Blister" because I showed up when the work was finished.
I have another chance to help on Thursday.
There was way too much counting yesterday. I set up a new shawl in the black alpaca/silk from Palm Desert. It took a few tries to get used to the simple lace pattern in the Flaming Flowers Stole.
Then I set to adapting a dishcloth to an afghan square, but that's a surprise.
The rain has settled down a little, so I think I'll do the outdoor windows today. Then I can enjoy my wet garden from my knitting chair.

1 comment:

cauchy09 said...

wow, gorgeous lace! i love that purple-y color.