Thursday, April 19, 2007

You Just Wait

There is so much waiting in the wings right now.

My beautiful dogwood expresses it for me. In a few weeks, if the sun co-operates, he will have stunning white flowers. It is a Willie's White Wonder dogwood, developed in our own Agassiz research centre and perfectly suited to our climate.

I planted it September a year ago and spoke to a friend about missing an important duty because I was planting. Oops. He died before Christmas, so I think of this as Ian's tree.

This morning I started a very big ball rolling. Re-entry to nursing. They make it sound like I'll need a space capsule and an anti-gravity suit. This may be true.

I've checked into it before, but never when I've had such independence training to my family. D. even says he'll be taking a year off piping. It doesn't mean we'll see him more, but he won't be off piping.

So I'm serious. The librarian thing didn't work. I'm going to look at returning to nursing as a long-term care giver. That way I can have long-term relationships and give care- not just drugs. I won't go back to the hospital and you can't make me.

My Haiku is finished and sent to Stratford for a very lucky baby to be born to good friends.

Look at the buttons!! It's a good thing I take pleasure in the little things of life because the big things sure take their time finding me.
I'll just have to wait.

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