I'm feeling a little better. The sun is out but it's not too hot. Just the barking dog next door.
Still, I can sit and knit Kiri and listen to my ipod. I've caught up to the ripping and already I'm on the edging. I had hoped to be here weeks ago, but for some reason I was able to persevere and get on with the lovely fuscia softness.
The blurry shot reflects how I feel. I'm in the old conundrum of dizzy from sore ears and throat or groggy from cough syrup. I'm trying to balance these and still get my paperwork done, doing errands and setting out another nice dinner. BBQ Farmer sausage and a lovely pasta salad with fresh mozzerella and tomatoes from (I blush) Martha Stewart.
I stopped buying her magazines ages ago when I couldn't get over how much advertising there was. But I was feeling poorly and wanted an easy glance of pretty pictures and new ideas. I do like the recipe on p94 and the family even ate it. I would have preferred chicken breast or even pork chops, but c'est la.
More resting now. Finish Kiri and cast on another one stealthily while my friend goes on holiday. How much can I get done before she returns? Don't worry about me faking missing her.
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