Friday, September 13, 2013

Two Wrongs

 I'm loving Single Skein September. We stopped at a Joanne's craft store in Cannon Beach and I bought a skein of eye searing orange, super bulky Lion's Brand yarn. It made a Hat Shaped Hat in a couple of hours. This is a gift for my brother in law to tell him I love him enough to not get shot in the woods.
 I finally made the Hallowig. I've planned this for years and even bought the yarn a long while ago. It seemed to knit up quickly after all. Quite a bit of it was done in the car on our trip.
 Same thing with the alpaca blanket. I didn't work on it for years, and then it's done in just a month. I'm very happy with it and will probably save it for a milestone birthday gift.
 I'm planning to knit mittens for my great-nephews. The Afghans for Afghans charity organization has a great simple pattern. I made an owl cable on the front a la Kate Davies. It was tricky to place the owl in the right place.
 The second one was placed in the exact same way.
 Oops. Exactly the same. Now I have to make two left ones.
 The first was made last night, despite a migraine and a 12 hour shift.
I'm starting the second left now. The extra pair will be donated to Chilliwack Connect, a multi-organization offering to those who are struggling in our community. I may offer to do child care or something like that.
So, am I more embarrassed by sharing this or by hiding my mistakes? I will send it out to help you from making two rights.

1 comment:

Judy S. said...

Cute mittens. I love those owls.