Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The new knitty is up and I'm just getting ready to jump in. Already I have plans for the wrist warmers. The last ones I started were of Noro Kureyon. I'm not a fan. Am I the only one who finds this yarn scratchy? Plus, from a ball of mixed maroon and fuscia, I started knitting from the inside. The first (unfinished) wrist warmer was brown and grey. Who knows what color the other one would be? If I bought another ball of the same yarn, there's no knowing what else I'll get. It's "charm" is in its unpredictability. Hmmm. I smell mitre-knit felted bag.
Tomorrow I take my daughter and niece (both 13) to Bellingham with my sister-in-law. This is a test. Repeat, this is only a test. If the girls are rediculous, or SIL and I can't focus on the same nanosecond, we'll chalk it up to experience. However, I am very encouraged by the olive branch and the good idea. The girls can drive each other wild. SIL is the queen of bargoons. So if I'm not looking for an Hermes scarf, we can really dive into the sales. I hope I'll get leave for good behavior to walk to a wool shop, or to sip coffee at a bookstore. My dreams, my wishes. I will settle for leather handbags and cool kitchen gadgets.

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