We had a good time on New Year's Day when D and I went up to my sister's ranch, just south of Kamloops.

They only have a few cattle in the winter. These girls will each give them a calf in April or May.

It was Julie's birthday and she appreciated the banner Emily made her.

We walked in the snow. It is very dry. Even when the snow is up to your knees, it's not too cold to go out and play. I disappointed her by not going down the huge toboggan run. But I am old enough to know that I don't like to go fast.

I'm all about the long, slow walk. We went down to the lake and even walked on the ice.

It was nice playing with family.

She has several horses. They all have good cow sense and she has bred most of them herself. Everyone in this neighbourhood is crazy about horses.

D helped out with some checking for pregnancy. He also set up his new telescope and the clouds separated for the most beautiful, fairytale, sparkling sky. He was very excited about tracking and seeing objects he never had before. It was beastly cold in the night, but not windy. I took my jewellery off so it wouldn't freeze my skin, and I loaded up on handknits.

It's always warm in the barn. Just kitties...

And chickens. The chickens were way more friendly than the kitties.
In the house we played Balderdash and shot pool. We read in front of the wood fire. I knit as the others watched TV.
There was knitting. There was wool shopping. And there was a designer and her beautiful baby. More on that next time.
Lovely photos! It sounds like you had a lovely visit! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Loved the photos, so "down home and friendly-like". Enjoy snooping at other ppls blogpages: i know they must take a bit of work to keep up!
That sounds heavenly!
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